Birth Breastfeeding Bonding Essentials
Being prepared, informed and confident can have a huge impact on how your birth unfolds as well as your onward journey into parenthood. Childbirth education is an important tool to help you navigate what you want and how to achieve it. Nurtured Birth offers private classes and group classes throughout the year.
Being uncertain about what sort of birth you want or being unsure about what to expect, or perhaps fearful of pain of labour can lead you to feel very fearful about birth. Not all births go to plan but having the confidence to make informed choices and the skills to cope during labour can make the experience a positive one, regardless of how birth looks for you.
Nurtured Birth is excited to be preparing to launch a revised Birth, Breastfeeding + Bonding essentials workshops from July 2022. Sarah Goldberg in collaboration with Jess Belobrov have united their magnificent forces to enrich, empower and educate expecting parent/s about this most precious chapter of their lives.
Topics covered include:
- What happens in labour and birth
- Coping with labour, pain relief and relaxation techniques
- Partner support strategies to create a joyful experience for you and your partner, increasing feelings of safety and trust that enables you to work with your labour
- Managing labour naturally with an extensive range of strategies and an understanding of how you personally respond to the intensity of birth
- Navigating the hospital system and its policies to your greatest advantage
- Decisions around interventions and drugs for pain relief
- Discussing the importance of support that optimises a healthy, positive birth experience and journey into early parenthood
- Discuss the importance of a birth plan/preferences
- What to expect in the first few days with your baby.
- Breastfeeding and bonding.
Private classes: If you prefer to not attend a group session we can arrange a private class for you and your birth support partner. At a time that is convenient for all.
Best time to book a class: The best time to experience these education classes is from 27 weeks.
- Private classes with Sarah Goldberg only is $450+gst. (3 hours).
- Private Breastfeeding with Jess Belobrov enquire here.
- Group classes (Small group max 8 couples) will be $450 + GST (6 hours).
Be the Best Partner
Being a birth partner is more than holding her hand and watching your baby being born. It’s about knowing when to step up and when to hold her space. Reaching your full potential as a birth partner is possible when you’re confident and prepared.
Sarah leads a dynamic, fun and engaging session that looks at why being the best birth partner matters and how to achieve it. Everyone leaves feeling excited and looking forward to this epic life event.
This workshop doesn’t replace childbirth education. Instead, it builds onto the knowledge base you already have and opens you up to the role of birth partner and its full potential.
Topics covered in this workshop include:
- Massage and the power of touch
- Breathing exercises
- Explore how movement and breath together can completely change the dynamic of birth
- How to be an exquisitely supportive partner during prelabour and birth
- Explore powerful ways to communicate with a woman in labour
- Your takeaway toolkit of strategies for navigating challenges at birth.
Group sessions: XX
Private sessions: XX
Choosing Maternity Care in Melbourne
The type of maternity care you choose during pregnancy has a huge influence on your birth experience. Choosing the right care provider means looking at the birth you envisage for yourself and finding the right people and setting to support you in achieving a positive, healthy, well supported and nurtured birth.
Choosing a care provider is one of the most important decisions you will make about your pregnancy and birth. Your provider and place of birth will influence your pregnancy care, your options during labour, and the outcome of your birth.
So it’s vital to make the optimal choice as early as possible with the best available information. Nurtured Birth can help you work out what options are available to you.
Choosing Maternity Care In Melbourne sessions involves:
- Exploring all maternity care options available to you (public and private hospitals, independent midwifery care, shared care with a GP, and obstetric care)
- Finding out what kind of birth you desire and what that looks like
- Exploring all the options we’ve seen can enhance your pregnancy
- Discussing options for support and care after you give birth.
Private Virtual Workshop: 1.5 hours | $220 per couple
Group Workshop: 2 hours | $150 per couple
Birth Preferences
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